The Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat is a vital faith community and expression of Church that embraces God’s mission with Marian joy, hope, and audacity. We are a Membership base of over 800, including Marist Brothers, lay women and men, and clergy. We draw on both the Marist tradition of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, and imagination, to be game-changers for young people, particularly those most on the peripheries. We foster connectedness and communion among ourselves as an Association, with the Marist spiritual family around the world, and with the wider Church.

To raise children, we must love them and love them equally.
— St Marcellin Champagnat

All our 2024 Programs and Events are here in one booklet. Bookings open 9 November.

The  Daily Prayer App is available to download on your device or access the website.

The Daily Prayer App is available to download on your device or access the website.

Subscribe to hear stories and reflections read from editions of the CHRISTlife publication.

NEW! 2024 Calendar of Association events, and other significant dates for Marists.

Feast Day of Saint Marcellin Champagnat

Thursday 6 June 2024


Happy Feast Day of St Marcellin Champagnat 2024!
Here is a message from Br Peter Carroll, Leader of the Association, which also includes a Champagnat Day message from the Superior General, Br Ernesto Sanchez


National Virtual Gathering - October 2023
Edited Recording



Strategic Directions 2023 - 2025

The third Marist Association National Assembly was held in 2022. This Assembly was quite different from previous ones, with two online gatherings in June and July, leading up to a hybrid, in-person and online Assembly in August. Members had the opportunity to dialogue and discern together the future of Marist ministry, spirituality and community. After receiving this feedback, and following its own discernment process, the Association Council has now released the document ‘Strategic Directions 2023 - 2025’.

Access the document here

Formation Resources

Explore the Marist Mission and Life Formation Spirituality Hub!

For information on Programs & Retreats, Conferences & Events, Bookings, Tertiary Accreditation, the 2024 Theme, and more.


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Our Newsletter

Our newsletter ‘Christlife’ is circulated monthly to Members of the Association, but you can read it here and see previous editions here.